Links & Resources


How do I apply for financial aid?

The first step is completing The Free Application for Federal Financial Aid (FAFSA) which is available online. 学生必须从每年10月1日开始申请即将到来的秋季学期. 推荐正规买球平台's school code is 005449.

Which FAFSA should I submit?

Students planning on attending Fall 2024, Spring 2025, Summer 2025 terms need to complete a 2024-2025 FAFSA.

Where can I get help completing my FAFSA?

Contact FAFSA online. If you need in person assistance, please contact the Financial Aid Office.

What is financial need?

经济需求是通过减去学生/家庭预计从每年的出勤费用中支付的费用(EFC)来确定的. 有最高需求的学生将有资格获得更大比例的经济援助.

What is the status of my financial aid?

Students can check the status of their financial aid through WebAdvisor. 在“我的文件”下查看缺失的文件,并查看您的获奖信.

When will I receive my refund?

退款在整个学期中根据每门注册课程的10%点(人口普查日期)进行处理. 在支付之前,必须在每门课程中验证出勤率. Stay up-to-date on the Financial Aid disbursement schedule.

What happens if I withdraw/fail a class?

联邦法规要求学生保持令人满意的学业进步(SAP)才有资格获得经济援助. 推荐正规买球平台 requires students to maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA and 67% completion rate. Failure to complete courses (Withdraw, Withdraw Fail, "F" grade, and Incomplete) or failing courses (W, WF) will affect a student's SAP status.

What if my family's financial situation changes?

When changes occur, 学生应联系经济援助办公室填写必要的表格,以确保您的经济援助状态被重新评估.

Is financial aid available for the summer term?

在秋季或春季学期注册少于全日制的学生, 是否可以将未使用的联邦佩尔助学金转移到夏季学期.

What is verification?

核实是一个过程,用于检查学生在申请联邦财政援助时提供的信息的准确性. 如果在核实过程中确定实际上向联邦政府提供了不准确的信息,则可能需要更正.

What is the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (DRT)?

IRS数据检索工具(IRS DRT)位于FAFSA申请的收入部分,允许申请人将其税务信息从IRS直接转移到FAFSA. You must use the IRS DRT whenever possible. 如果你不这样做,你可能不得不向财政援助办公室提交你的税务文件的硬拷贝,并可能在你的财政援助账户上放置.

What is Cost of Attendance (COA)?

出席成本(COA)是对直接和间接教育费用的综合成本的估计. 它考虑了你的基本生活费用,比如:住房、交通等. 学生不允许接受超过其出勤费的资助. Use the Net Price Calculator for help

What is Unusual Enrollment History?

不寻常的入学历史(UEH)是指学生在多个机构注册并在这些学校获得联邦助学金和/或学生贷款资金的情况, all within a relatively short period of time, and is now attempting to receive additional aid.

What is Lifetime Eligibility Used?

根据联邦法律,你一生中可能获得的联邦佩尔助学金的金额限制在相当于六年的资助. 因为你每年可以获得的联邦佩尔助学金的最高金额等于100%, the six-year equivalent is 600%. 一旦你达到这个限制,不管你的收入,EFC,或其他合格因素等. you will have lost the ability to receive the Federal Pell Grant.

What is Return to Title IV (R2T4)?

《推荐正规买球平台》(简称R2T4)是一项联邦法规,它规定了学生在某一学期能获得多少资助. For example, 如果学生完成了一个学期/付款期的60%或以上, 学生在该学期/付款期间获得所有符合条件的援助, and a Return to Title IV calculation is not required. 如果学生在学期/付款期的60%之前非正式退学, 在整个学习期间,至少有一门课程成绩不及格, then that student is considered to have unofficially withdrawn. If a student officially withdraws, 然后,该机构将使用该日期来确定退款计算和获得的资助金额. 如果学生被认为非正式地退出学期/付款期, 然后,该机构将使用学期/付款期的中点来确定获得的援助金额.

What if my family situation changes after I submit the FAFSA?


How is financial aid applied?

Federal Pell Grant is awarded for the fall and spring semesters. The Federal Pell award is based on full time enrollment. 如果你不注册为全日制学生,你的联邦佩尔助学金将相应地调整. If you do not attend full time fall and/or spring semester, 剩余的联邦佩尔奖学金将转移到夏季学期. If you do attend full time both fall and spring semesters, 你需要从你的退款中节省一些资金来支付你的夏季费用.

Who is eligible to receive financial aid?

为了有资格获得援助,你需要被录取并注册一个批准的课程专业. 特殊学生(未申报专业)或继续教育学生不符合资格. Federal Pell grants are available for part-time students. 补助金金额会根据修习的学时而调整.

How is financial need determined?

经济需求是通过从你的年度学费(COA)中减去你或你的家庭预计支付的费用(EFC)来确定的。. ​Need-based awards include, but are not limited to, the Federal Pell Grant, FSEOG, Federal Work Study and state grants. 学生的COA和EFC之间的差异越大, the more room they will have for need-based aid. 每所学院/大学根据其学费等设定自己的COA., while EFC is determined by FAFSA information.

What is Expected Family Contribution (EFC)?

EFC是衡量你家庭经济实力的标准,用于确定你是否有资格获得基于需求的援助. 您将根据FAFSA的处理结果收到EFC. 您的EFC可以在提交FAFSA后的确认页面或SAR上找到, or online at​